Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thursday: shift

Today I was typing and realized that I always use the right shift key on the keyboard. It means that sometimes my left hand has to take over a few of the keys that the right hand usually hits. Although most of the capital letters were supposed to be hit by the left hand (at least for the things that I was writing).

Then I tried using the left shift key. It didn't work so well.


Anonymous said...

I only use the left shift key. When I type a capital A, Q, Z, or !, I actually strike the key with my ring finger.


betsy said...

I had to practice to see what I really do but I find I am just like Dusty - only using the left and subbing in my 4th or 3rd fingers as necessary to compensate... and my computer keyboard definitely shows all the wear on the left shift key :)