Friday, August 24, 2012

Thursday: Flurry and Isaac

Flurry often escapes into the garage when I'm coming in and have my hands full.  She's usually really good about coming back in within ten minutes, so unless there is a big temperature difference between the house and the garage I let her explore with the door slightly open.  Today she didn't come back in, and so Isaac and I went to look for her.

We found her curled up in Isaac's next car seat.  She stayed there for a while.

Isaac's appetizer was cottage cheese today.  I don't think he gets many curds in his mouth, but he does enjoy trying.

Then he had some zuchinni and summer squash from Nathan and Liz.

(Here it was a few days ago)
(And today)


betsy said...

i was wondering if you had him in the next size carseat yet :)

Anonymous said...

Isaac has the right idea -- whole foods are best! I'm glad Nathan and Elizabeth didn't share any of their mystery peppers with you. : o

Annette B.