Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday: a good helper

Issac was a really good (and cute) helper today.  I was folding the laundry and he grabbed one of my shirts.  After running around with it for a little bit, I thought we might as well run into the bedroom and put it away.  Isaac signed "more!"  Ok, I'm happy to let you help me with the laundry.  We didn't get the whole basket put away, but we did get most of it put item by one item.  It was funny to watch him with the long sleeved shirts...he often had to stop and make sure the sleeves weren't dragging.

Then this evening I was on the couch complaining about a headache.  Ben offered to get me some medicine, which I gladly took him up on.  Thirty seconds later Isaac comes out with his arms full of old pill bottles that have been turned into toys and heads straight for me.  It was one of those sights that I never want to forget.  I'm not sure if he knew what he was doing, but it was super cute.

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