Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday: today

Nothing special happened today, so I thought I'd go through a fairly normal day.

Isaac woke up at 5:30am.  Well, that's not normal.  But I think he is teething.  We went back to sleep on the couch, although I had a hard time getting back to sleep.  We reawoke at 7:10, a much better time to wake up.  We helped Ben wake up.

I did some chores and Isaac played for a while.  He then decided he wanted to go outside so that he could drink from a water bottle.  I thought it would be too cold, but in the sun it was pretty nice.  He played with the water and his rocks for a bit.  Then I gave him some ice cubes to play with outside.  Those were fun too!  Until he wanted to bring them inside.  That caused a meltdown that lessened but didn't really go away for the next fifteen minutes.  Obviously, it was nap time.

He woke up too early, and ended up finishing his nap with me on the couch again.  Good thing we have a comfy couch.

Our outing today was to get some flowers and veggies.  I was going to just get a tomato plant.  I ended up with some green peppers too.  (BTW, I have some extra seedlings if anyone is interested.)  I also got some perennials - coneflowers and something else.  We also stopped at the hardware store to get some stuff to hang a quilt.

At home we watched Curious George, planted our veggies, and did some quilting/I-pad.  It's been a little hard to get some good quilting time in lately as Isaac often wants me to join him in whatever he's doing.  I suppose I should be happy he wants me around, but let's face it...the i-pad games that he plays over and over or the movie that he's seen a gazillion times are kind of boring.

Moving on...time to make dinner.  We had chicken Parmesan.  Isaac wanted to drink out of a water bottle and since we were inside I didn't give him free rein which caused quite a bit of sadness.  Luckily Ben came home soon after that.  Ben's arrival often changes the dynamic of the house (in a good way).  It's actually rather surprising how much it can change just by having him come in the door.  We watched MythBusters with dinner.  Isaac ate everything but the spaghetti.

After dinner I did a little bit of quilting and then put Isaac to bed.  I played some Warcraft (faction grinding for pets), helped Ben in Warcraft (that part was stressful, but we won!), and did some fabric cutting.  I'm currently listening to a book about President Garfield.  I should have started to get ready for bed about 25 minutes ago, but instead I didn't. :)  Getting ready for bed can be so annoying.

Good night!

1 comment:

Zachary and Jennifer said...

Ooo, which President Garfield book are you listening to? I really enjoyed the one I listened to a couple months ago, Destiny of the Republic. Fascinating story. I get the feeling he would have been a much more memorable President if he had lived longer.