Friday, April 17, 2015

Friday: green alarm clock

Joshua has been waking up rather early the last few days.  He's been waking up earlier and earlier ever since he was born.  I know, 6:30 isn't that early.  But it feels so early.  However, if he does it again this weekend his schedule is going to change; I'm not going to get up to feed him in the middle of the night and wake up early with him.

Anyway, I probably said something to Isaac about getting up too early with Joshua, who realized that the problem was that Joshua didn't have a green alarm clock.  (Isaac's turns green when he can get out of bed.)  A little bit later he said, "We should call grandma and see if she has a little green car for Joshua."  What?  Um, ok.  "Which Grandma?"  "Grandma Pat."

So we did.  It took me most of the conversation to realize that he wasn't saying car, he was saying clock.  And that we had called the wrong grandma as Grandma Cheryl had gotten the alarm clock for Isaac as a Christmas present.

That little boy sure is putting a lot of pieces of information together though!

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