Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thursday: why I blog

I blog to share.  It's an easy way for other to keep up-to-date with our lives and know what's going on.  That being said, I try not to over share; it is viewable by anyone that know the address.

I blog to remember.  Lately this has been one of the main motivators.  Isaac says so many silly things and Joshua is growing up so fast.  It's fun to look back and remember the minutea that would otherwise be forgotten.

I blog to be remembered.  There is a part of me that wishes I had more primary resource material from my mom.  Sure, I have lot of treasured memories, but I would love to know what those memories look like from her perspective.  I remember one day when I was rather young saying I wanted tomato soup for dinner.  Mom made it.  I realized I didn't like it and she started crying.  What else had I done that day that I was blissfully unaware of?  What were her struggles while raising two young children?  I know; I could ask my dad.  But it just isn't the same.  I wish that my children could remember her in ways that are not just my memories.  All that being said, should my children or grandchildren have no interest in my life I'm ok with that too.  It probably means nothing untimely happened and that is wonderful.

So on this day when I remember her death I do not feel the pain of missing her that I sometimes feel.  Perhaps because it has been a busy day and I have chosen not to dwell on it.  But I do deeply wish there was a better way to remember her by than just a child's memories.


betsy said...

Nicely said. hugs!

Amy Worrel said...

This is very nice and such sweet gentle thoughts. What a reflection on the tomato soup night... I wonder if my girls will remember my tears.