Friday, December 4, 2015

Friday: the day

We are having a lot of guests throughout the weekend, so I decided it was time to at least try and get the house in some sort of order.

It started by sending Isaac off to put some mail in the mailbox and put up the flag.  He did it!  So that is one more thing that he can do by himself and I didn't have to go out in the cold.

Then we did a bit of work - I feel like the boys understood that there was going to be a time where I wasn't going to play and sort of accepted it.  Then they helped with the floors.  Isaac actually helped, Joshua just looked cute.

During this whole week I've been working on laundry.  I really feel like I need a new system, but expect that system would involve me actually putting clothes away.  (This isn't all of it either...there is another load in the dryer and a small load still to be washed.  I'm not really sure how I got so behind, as usually when I'm behind I can at least get it all in the baskets we have.)

This afternoon I was cleaning up in the office and Isaac and Joshua were playing under my desk.  Joshua pushed the CD open button on the computer and jumped back in surprise with a cry when it opened.  I told him it wasn't a big deal and shut it.  Of course. that got Isaac's attention and so he figured out how it worked.  Then he trying to get Joshua to do it.  And when he's talking to Joshua, trying to help him, Isaac has the sweetest little voice.  Isaac finally managed to get Joshua to try it, but of course it back fired on him a bit as Joshua didn't want to stop after that.

We had the first two groups of people over today, one for lunch and one for dinner.  A very pleasant time was had with both, but nothing really of note happened.

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