Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Monday: 16 months

Joshua turned 16 months a few days ago.

Talking: Joshua still doesn't have many words, but mama, da, more, ni-ni, and ba (ball) are ones that are commonly used.  There is also a sign for "all done", but he frequently uses it only to put more food in his mouth immediately afterwards.  We've been trying to work on a sign for please, but he is resisting.  Often he will even resist us making the sign with his hand.

Ideas: Joshua has his own ideas of what should happen and isn't afraid to let us know if our ideas are different from his.  Case in point, I left one of the car toys in the car today.  He wanted to bring it in the house and cried for several minutes after finding out that wasn't going to happen.  Now that he is walking better, Joshua has also found more independence.  He is more happy to go into the child care place at the gym if he can freely walk in by himself.

Sleep: not many changes from last month: still sleeping about eleven to twelve hours at night and waking once to nurse.  He naps poorly at daycare and sometimes ok at home.  He is still a light sleeper and wakes up several times at night but will go back to sleep without my having to get out of bed.

Eating: Joshua is nursing two to three times a day.  He (and Isaac) enjoy spinach smoothies, so I've actually been able to get some vegetables into him...and good ones at that.  I need to remember to give him a snack in the late afternoon so that he remains happy until dinner.

People: Joshua is still rather serious around non-family members.  But it is possible to get him to laugh on command a bit more.  Isaac remains the funniest person.

Playing: Joshua likes to be chased.  He plays peek-a-boo while getting his diaper changed.  It's really rather cute.  He covers his eyes, I say, "Where's Joshua?", and then he uncovers his eyes.  He likes balls and going down the slide and sometimes reading.  He likes the Ipad, but doesn't always have a very long attention span for it.

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