Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sunday: church and evening

We had communion today in church, and this time everyone walked to the front to receive it.  I was sitting in the back row and noticed that all most all of the men let their wives and possibly children go ahead of them.  I know that Ben often does it, but I didn't realize how common it actually is.

This evening Joshua was fussy so I went to pick him up; it was a mom day today.  He proceeded to say "ni-ni" to Ben and pointed very clearly to his bedroom.  When we were in his bedroom he pointed to his crib.  Really?  It was a bit surprising, but if he was tired and knew it than I wasn't going to argue.  It was only about an hour early, so still a reasonable time to go to bed.  I'm glad that night-night is one of the few words he's come in rather handy a few times.

It worked pretty well...we put ornaments on the tree and it was probably easier to do without Joshua.

The mouse got his normal place near the bottom. :)

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