Friday, November 6, 2015

Friday: tragedy

Today's tragedy is that Cheesy Chicken Enchilada Helper is not available from Amazon and we used our last box this week.  This is pretty much the only "helper" that we eat anymore, and it is absurdly hard to find.

I finally got a picture with Joshua's face full of lovey.  He has two - elephant and bear.  They both got washed this past week because they were smelly.  Especially elephant.  Joshua likes to stick them in his mouth, and sometimes he'll walk around with his hands holding something else and it is pretty silly.  But he does love them. :)


The Accidental Boilermaker said...

I'll look around here and see if I can find it.

Anonymous said...

Judging by the comments, it doesn't appear Betty Crocker is very responsive to their customers.

I will check some of the smaller groceries around here to see if I can find it for you.

Annette B.