Monday, November 23, 2015

Monday: the time has come

The time has come to help Isaac not take a nap during the day.  At least, not when he's at home.  I've noticed that if he does take a nap lately he is then up for several hours in bed, unable to fall asleep.  So rest time is changing to quiet time.  He only has to stay in his room and we'll slowly accumulate more options of things for him to do.

It worked out well today.  He did some mazes.  He colored on the white board.  He built some duplo towers and took pictures of them.  He may have played with his marbles, although those have been out for a while.

Afterwards he still gets his screen time.

So overall a success, although kind of sad.  It was always nice to hope that everyone would take a good nap.


betsy said...

I'm dreading that day! Hope it's smooth sailing for you :)

betsy said...

I'm dreading that day! Hope it's smooth sailing for you :)