Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday: cameras and super speed

Joshua's favorite toys today were the cameras.  Neither has batteries.  I think he just likes pushing the buttons and the weight that they are.  Joshua was also rather cranky today.  There was a 15 minute meltdown in the morning...I want to be in your lap, no I want to be on the floor, no I want to be in your lap. Then tonight at dinner he kept saying "more" but we had no idea what he wanted.  Since the fever his appetite hasn't been great, so eventually we hand fed him some Cheerios.  It worked for a bit but wasn't really what he wanted.  He needs some more words.

Isaac and I played flags today.  It consists of chasing each other around and trying to pull off some flags that we got in a happy meal.
He's really into "super speed" the last few days.  He has his walking power (grape water), his running power (pomegranate water), and when combined with lemon water he has super speed.  (I'm running out of sippy cups.)

He also wanted me to take a picture of him going backwards on the horse.

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