Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thursday: this morning

This morning I heard Isaac wake up.  Surprisingly, he didn't come say hi...I think he went to look at the Christmas tree.  Then he saw Flurry, and decided she had done something worthy of treats.  So he gave her a few of those.  (One daily chore that is actually enforced is feeding Flurry.  Therefore, he also gets to give her treats.  Usually the number is zero, two, or five.  She usually gets treats for not eating his yogurt.)  After that I didn't hear him anymore, but figured he was playing in his room.  Ben's alarm went off, so I got dressed and went to say good morning to him.

I looked in his bedroom: not there.  I looked in the toy room: not there.  I looked at the front door: still locked.  I looked at the basement stairs: the gate was closed and lights off, so it was doubtful he was down there.  I puzzled.  Then I saw it on the couch - a quilt covered lump.  It was Isaac!  This is the second time he has hid well and quietly from me.

He also can read the word Meijer.  He read it on a prescription bottle and then at the actual store.  I haven't tried it in a different font, but was still excited.


Amy Worrel said...


betsy said...

I wonder if it is the font because Ethan finds the word Meijer everywhere too! (Various pantry products, semi trucks on the road, etc)

betsy said...

I wonder if it is the font because Ethan finds the word Meijer everywhere too! (Various pantry products, semi trucks on the road, etc)