Thursday, February 11, 2016

Thursday: up early!

We put the kids to bed early yesterday.  The main reason is that Joshua seems to drag a bit at school and Thursdays are the extra early day.  Not a lot early, just a half hour or so.

But as I was getting up extra extra early to deal with the snow, Joshua decided to wake up too.  Normally I'd just take him into bed with me, but as I had all my winter stuff on I left Ben to take care of it.  When I got back Joshua wasn't quite asleep yet, and wanted to come to me.  However, it was a bit easier to wake up Isaac.

Needless to say, when we got home I turned on the TV for the kids and took several short naps on the couch.  Isaac cuddled with me the whole time.  (Side note: I've been taking many fewer naps lately.  Two weeks ago I think I only had 1.5 the whole week!  But then with all the sickness stuff last week they've been a bit more frequent this week.)


betsy said...

How's everyone doing? Are you fever free?

betsy said...

How's everyone doing? Are you fever free?