Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tuesday: it starts with...

Lately Isaac has been doing a great job of sounding out the first letter of words; I think I've mentioned that.  Sometimes it surprises me because they just reached P at school, but it seems as though he can do the whole alphabet.  The conversation usually goes like this...

Someone (me, Isaac, Ben): What does bear start with?
Isaac: bu-bu-bu B!

But then yesterday I asked him what frog started with and he said F.  Instantly.  No thinking, no sounding it out...he just knew it.  It happened a few minutes later with another word too, but I forgot what it was.

In other news, there haven't been pomegranates at the store in a long while.  I had been hoping to bring them to school for P week.

In other other news, I want to declare that I hate trying to find new items in the health and beauty aisles at Meijer.  I can never do it.  It tends to either take about ten minutes or three trips before I finally find them.  It always boggles my mind because the aisles are well labeled.  (Yesterday was saline.  I left without it.  But I finally saw nail polish remover...after about six months and getting it at the dollar store.)

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