Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Wednesday: snow

Two days ago I was lamenting the lack of snow.  We now have some. :)

We actually received a surprising amount last night...about 4-6".  Not a ton, but enough that side roads could be difficult.  Isaac and I had a dentist appointment at 9am.  I rushed around trying to get everything ready so that we could leave a bit earlier than planned, as the roads would probably be slow.

I got on the east-west road that brings us to the office and was glad we had hurried.  It is a two lane road, but only the left side was clear.  We continue on.  We cross the highway.  We get to the next big intersection with similar conditions.  The following big intersection starts to show a decrease in snow.  By the following major intersection, the sun was starting to peak out and you could almost see the top of the grass in places.  So in two miles the conditions changed completely.  It was so odd.

We continued to get a little snow throughout the day and I don't think the snowplows came by yet.  We're supposed to get more overnight.  I'll admit, snow blowing the driveway on a day I already need to get up early is not really all that fun.  Even though I do love the snow.

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