Friday, October 21, 2016

Friday: a good day...except for about 15 minutes

Let's start with the 15 minutes.  It was late afternoon and almost bath time.  Isaac had just discovered that sticky stuff that comes on the back of credit cards and wanted to keep it.  I told him he could play with it for a bit, but that it would then have to be thrown away.  He played with it, he threw it away.  And he promptly started crying.  "I'm going to cry forever if you don't let me have it back."  "Ok."  A few minutes later the screaming started.  I sent him to his room and told him he could come out when he had calmed down.  A minute later he gagged and threw up.  We got in the bathroom and he threw up again, mostly missing the toilet.  I was annoyed, but at least he stopped his tantrum and got in the tub.

This morning we went to a bounce house at a semi-local greenhouse.  The boys loved it.  There were a few tears and a few hugs through the mess with Joshua, but mostly just fun.  (It turns out that if you make a noise while hugging kids don't really think you need arms to hug.  It sometimes works out very nicely.)  Isaac did a great job protecting his little brother on the slide.  Everyone else in the party had to leave for assorted reasons, but I think we stayed there almost two hours.

Bath time went really well too.  The boys played for a long while and when Joshua finally decided he was done his toes were blue.  I added some hot water for Isaac and got a space heater out for Joshua.  I think Joshua was having too much fun with his brother to worry about the temperature.


betsy said...

2 hours, yay! Glad they enjoyed boxing so long!

betsy said...
