Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Wednesday: change of plans

We went to the library today to get some new books.  I thought there might be a story time at the same time as we were going, but was kind of hoping to avoid it.  Or at least most of it.  Isaac really wanted to make fish biscuits, and I wanted to have time for that.  Well, it turns out it was a special story time on fire safety and it involved seeing a fire truck.  Isaac was patient while we got our books but then mentioned that he wanted to see the fire truck.  I told him we might not have time for fish biscuits in that case, and he seemed sort of ok with it. 

So of course we walk in late - like 20 minutes late - just as the fireman had all his gear on.  Joshua took one look and freaked out.  So much for our sneaky entrance.  He was clingy the rest of the time, but finally would be put down on the fire truck if Isaac held his hand.

They were letting the kids spray the hose.  This was Isaac's favorite part.

I didn't think Joshua would want to do it too, but he did.  I let Isaac take the pictures...he took about 30.  Twenty of Joshua, nine of the water spray, and one with the spray off.  But they were good pictures. :)

We did have time to make fish biscuits (out of sugar cookies, from Octonauts).  They turned out a bit brown, but we only used half the roll so we'll be able to try again.  (Dad and Pat, Isaac is really excited to give you some.)