Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Tuesday: a new recipe

Isaac chose pasta with white sauce for dinner tonight.  So I was getting everything together and found the jar with some sauce in the fridge.  There was also a container with sauce and I found that a bit odd - why didn't last time's left overs go in the jar - but who knows.  I've been gone for a few days so maybe that's how it got there.

I ran out of sauce and had to open a new can for my noodles.  After a few bites Ben says, "This tastes really weird.  Kind of sweet."  Hmm.  Well, after a few more bites he has me try it.  It does not taste like my sauce.  There's some leftover noodles though, so he goes to change out his dinner.  While in the kitchen he sees all the containers.  "Did you use this?"  "Yes."  "It had pumpkin yogurt in it."

Well, that explains it.  I don't put leftover yogurt in containers, so that is why I was confused. They look exactly the same...the same off-white color, the same color flecks and everything. But it turns out that pumpkin yogurt mixed with Alfredo sauce is not a good combination.  Just so you know.

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