Friday, June 9, 2017

Iowa finish

Here are some of the last pictures from our trip.  We didn't take a lot, and I realized we didn't get one of all the adults together.  Oh well.

Brian gave Isaac a bike ride.  Isaac loved it, although said he got a little scared on the turns.  He said it was better when he closed his eyes.

Saturday we went to a street fair and the boys got a ton of loot, including a balloon animal.  This is Joshua with his three bears.

Isaac made several machines out of a new type of block.

We found a place on the river to play Sunday night.  The kids had a great time.

Brian read a few books/devotions to the kids.

We also went to the aquatic center Monday before we left.  Isaac went down a large water slide...I was rather surprised at this since he usually doesn't go down any water slides.  I tried to catch him, but they let two people go at once and the other child was in the middle.  I got to him quickly though.  The look on his face as he was going down was sheer terror, and he was shaking when I got him.  I just told him how brave he was...I really thought he'd go back down the steps.  Anyway, we went to the lazy river next and he seemed to thoroughly enjoy that.

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