Saturday, June 24, 2017

Saturday: Herrickfest

The other day someone asked me what I did in the summer.  I mentioned a few things, including that the library has a ton of stuff to do.  I realized how true that is this week: Wednesday was storytime, Thursday was Bubbleman, Friday was Sensory Time at a different library, and today was a party put on by the library.  A bunch of the local associations come with fun (and free!) things for kids to do.

It was a bit the end of the second hour Joshua was very cold and ready to go home, although I expect the Popsicle didn't help any.  It was a ton of fun though; we'll have to go again next year.

It started with a tractor ride.  It was relatively long, and the tractor went in some tight circles.  Isaac wanted a green barrel.

We got looked at some rocks.  We took apart (and put together, somewhat) a keyboard.  Joshua slowly but surely plugged away at the number keys.  (Joshua also mentioned tonight that we shouldn't take apart our play keyboards.)

We did a photobooth and the pictures came out ok.  Then some fishing.

Then I gave in and let them have their treat.  I should have waited until we were a bit more ready to go, as it was the beginning of the end.  Oh well.  The boys were really looking forward to the treat.

This evening I finally got a picture of them in their puppy pajamas.  The pajamas are new and are a hit!

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