Monday, January 15, 2018

Monday: do believe some things from the internet and second guesses

At lunch, Joshua said, "from [the skittles] that I'm eating, I like the chocolate ones the best."  I looked at him with a perplexed look.  "These," he said, holding up a purple one. 

"Oh, a purple one," I replied.
"It's black!" both boys responded.
"Purple.  Taste the rainbow."

We asked the internet.  It was purple.
"The internet is wrong!" was Isaac's response.

After rest time I played with the boys for about an hour.  After this, Joshua wanted to play more and I told him I had some work to do.  He had a melt down and we struggled for the next half hour.  I didn't really play with him much today other than that hour and it makes me question.  How much did my parents play with us at this age? (This question has come up multiple times, so if any parents of adults wanted to answer I'd be interested in knowing.)  Do I really need to play with him more?  Because while I love my children and being around them, I don't always love playing with them.  What I probably should have done was figured out how to have him help me.  I tried a few times, but it wasn't working very well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't remember my parents playing with me other than table games and that was not real often. My dad would "wrestle" with the boys sometimes but that's about all that I remember. We played outside a lot or had friends from the neighborhood over but that was when I was older than the boys are now. - Mom H.