Monday, January 1, 2018

Sunday: New Year's Eve

Today had its ups and downs.

Joshua was in a mood.  The cruise spoiled him, and he is not enjoying coming back to reality.  We won't talk about how long it took him to get ready for church (or how long it took him to get ready to come home from church).

This evening we went to a friends' house.  We played some games.  One was a game where there are different roles and you need to find the bad guys but if you're the bad guy you try to hide.  Well, one role is the tanner and he hates life and wants to be killed.  He's not a bad guy or a good guy, just on his own team.  Well, I managed to get killed twice in a row when I was the tanner.  I feel as though I succeeded at the game, even if I'm not really sure I was all that good.  (I had the tanner a third time in a row and tried to just tell people I was the tanner so they would think I was the bad guy, but circumstances were such that no one really doubted me at all.)

The boys lasted until about 11pm.  We're not really sure what they a lot of Wii playing I think, but they were content.

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