Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Tuesday: box and dance

Today when we got home there was a surprise box waiting for us!  It was full of some fun books that the boys have already enjoyed.  (One book had conductive clay with LEDs.)

We also went to a follow up thing at the library with the dance company.  They did some dances that they had done on Saturday, but also involved the kids in some movement/dancing.  Joshua did ok...there were several other kids there that were really under the recommended age and so they grouped together and tried.  Joshua did not want to be far from me though.

I convinced Isaac to go into the other group.  I looked over a few times and it looked like he was having a good time as I saw many smiles.  Apparently there are a few more workshops coming up this semester and Isaac said that he'd be interested in them.  We'll see what happens.

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