Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Tuesday: a day in the life

When we were at the Museum of Michigan's history, I enjoyed reading some of the journal entries that were around the early 1900s exhibit.  I know that the blog does a decent job of the normal things that happen in our lives, but at the same time there's a lot that is ignored because it is so normal.  Well, with the exception of Grocery Adventures.  Today was a rather boring day, but here's how it went.  (Note that it is also "Too much Tuesday", so we have more activities after school than any other day.)

6:45am: wake up.  Pack lunches for the kids, make them breakfast.  They chose yogurt.  Bring them to school.
7:45am: Eat my breakfast while playing an idle game on my phone.  Do my devotions.
8:15am: Decide to take my nap early.  Horizon cuddles up with me.
9:30am: wake up.  Clean the kitchen.  Always the kitchen.  This time I actually took care of all the on-kitchen stuff that was accumulating there too.
10am?: Work on vacation planning.
10:30am: take out the bathroom trash and a few other small chores
11am: Intend to get right to work on some Hope College work, but play on the computer a bit before getting down to it.  I also sent out some texts and dealt with some emails.
12:15: make lunch.  Leftover pizza, half an apple, and water
12:30pm: read for a little bit
12:50pm: continue the chores.  Bring out the deck chairs, move the strawberry plant to a better place, rinse out the bird feeders.
1:30pm: Continue Operation: Clean the House.  Put the bike back in the bike roller, clean up the stuff that's accumulated in the last two weeks, and realize that part of this should be sewing together small batting pieces into large batting pieces so that they actually get used.  I save that for a different day though.
2:15pm: decide to read again because I'm pretty happy with what I accomplished today
2:35pm: doze off
3:05pm: get stuff together, pick up the boys
3:30pm: get gas ($$$), pick up my flute from the repair store
3:45pm: start waiting in the parking lot.  Isaac has his piano lesson, I read.  Joshua does some homework and has screen time.
4:30pm: Isaac comes out, we go home for a quick turn-around.  I remember to start the rice cooking and change into my karate uniform
5pm: karate.  It was hotter than I expected.
5:30pm: go home, get dinner finished up.  Eat while watching a little bit of TV.  (Currently the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.)  Wish that Isaac would eat faster.
6:30pm: karate with Isaac.  I worked harder than expected.  Muscle memory is a pretty cool thing though.
7pm: come home, brush the children's teeth, get some audio books all set up.  I don't care that Joshua is bored.
7:30pm: Ben is in charge of bed time and plays a video game with the boys for a bit so I head downstairs.  I do some word and logic games
8:30pm: I work on some quilting, but realize that I'm about to run out of green thread and take it as a sign to stop for now.
9pm: Continue to stream some shows, work on piecing the next quilt, putz around.  Be more sad than expected by the school shooting.  I think it was because of the post below.  Pray that better gun legislation finally happens, but realize that I'm not actually very hopeful that it will.
expected 11:30pm: go to bed, read
expected 12:30am: fall asleep because my eyes close.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Do you really only sleep 6 hours at night or was this an abnormal day? I would be so tired! I'm jealous of people who can get by with less though! 🥰