Thursday, May 26, 2022

Thursday: Operation: Clean the house - quilting area

I'm calling the quilting area finished.  There are a few more little things I could do, but I either put them on my to do list as a separate item because I want to wait on it (one more quilt to hang) or it just really doesn't make since to do it now (put together more batting scraps).

While it's hard to tell, everything in front of the futon is actually part of the other room.
The futon did get cleaned just also happens to be the best place to currently store all the soft stuff used for courses.  I'm hoping to eventually get a better shelf for them, but in the meantime I know they'll be off before too long.

The bike had been in Joshua's room because he wasn't using his room much last year and so that I could exercise while being close for virtual school.  It was time to move it to a new place though.


I know it looks only a little cleaner, but it is quite a bit cleaner.  It's also been dusted and the walls had a bunch of dings fixed up and some fresh paint.

I think I'm going to take a break on O:CtH.  There's only two weeks left of school, so I'll try to knock out a few of my outstanding to-do list items.  The summer is looking busy, so the goal will be to just keep things under control.  I'm not sure what room I'll do once fall starts; it'll give me something to think about over the summer.

I was a little surprised how slowly this project moved.  There were some good reasons; the painting of two rooms took extra time and the bigger rooms that I did really needed a lot of work.  I'm not sure it'll be any faster next year, but I suppose we'll find out!  Stay tuned!

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