Friday, November 18, 2022

Friday: snow day

The first snow that didn't disappear turned into a snow storm, which in turn provided a snow day today.  It was only going to be a half day, but it did mess up my day a little bit.  In some ways things worked better and in some ways worse.

In the late morning another kid (named Isaac too) came over to play Dominion with Isaac.  I wasn't sure how it'd go after the first five minutes, but by the middle of the first game there was quite a bit of giggling.  They played two games and seemed to have fun.

However, I didn't get my errands done.  I got groceries quickly yesterday after work, but there were several other errands I wanted to do Wednesday that didn't happen.  They still didn't get done and now I've run out of a specific color of thread.  (I know, a serious problem.)

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