Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Wednesday: in between

We're in an in-between time right now.  In between the Christmas bustle and my brother coming up for the weekend.  (Joshua is beyond excited.)

So obviously, we started out the day with some games.  Isaac asked and I didn't have a good reason to say no.

I then got a bit of work done and we wrapped presents.  Isaac said the snow was good packing snow, so we went outside for a bit.  It really wasn't good packing snow yet...we probably should have waited until a little bit later in the afternoon.  We made a small snowman and slid down the hill for a bit.

After lunch and nap time we did our errands, but they were rather unproductive.  The parking lot at rock climbing was more full than normal and when I looked at the number of climbers it was the highest I've seen at 30/50.  Joshua and I went once at 25/50 and it felt very full, so we decided to try first thing tomorrow instead.  We stopped by Cheryl's to see if some late Christmas presents had arrived, but they weren't there yet.  We stopped by UPS to do a return, which was successful, as expected.

I used my electric knife to cut bread.  It was wonderful.

Joshua made a new kitty place out of a Christmas box.

I also got all the laundry cleaned and dried, although not sorted or put away yet.  I also took down some of the extra Christmas decorations that become a bit too much with more people in the house.  It's still very Christmas-y, but we needed a bit more space.  There are still a few things to do before we start the official cleaning, but we're close.  I only crossed off two things on the "do before guests come" list today, but at the same time I'm still feeling on top of everything. For now.

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