Saturday, November 18, 2023


 Joshua had a friend sleep over last night and they had a great time.  He's been here over night before, but this time schedules worked out so that he could stay a little longer in the morning.  They played Minecraft last night (and were SO excited).  I'm pretty sure that's all they've talked about for the last week at recess.  All three boys played some game with the Legos this morning.

This afternoon for family activity time we got out our pick-a-bricks from Chicago.  The pick-a-brick wall had some really nice pieces, so we all got our own cups.

I made some flowers.  I had a really good time making them.  The big purple one was really heavy and required a double stem to support it.  And my favorite...I'm not really sure.  The pink one turned out a lot cooler than I was expecting.

Ben made a seaside mansion with several different types of architectural styles.

Joshua made a house with floating islands.  He used a large door as part of the roof, and it was a really neat use of that piece.

Isaac made a bunch of hidden eyes - some more hidden than others.

This one was my favorite.  The clear pieces in front of the eyes made it look like there were a lot of eyes.

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