Sunday, November 5, 2023

Sunday: normal

Today was back to being a pretty normal day - other than falling back to standard time.  The kids woke up early, as expected, but before our fan was on to drown out the noise.  Since I don't have the app on my phone to turn it on, I had to (horror of horrors) actually get up and turn it on.  I never fully got back to sleep after that.

As normal, we went to church.  After nap time we didn't get family together time in today, but three of us finished up a game from last night, I finally got all the laundry washed and dried, and the kitchen isn't a complete disaster.  Everyone worked on Christmas lists too, so those are coming along well.  Ben and I also looked through some paperwork that has needed to be reviewed for several weeks.

This picture was from a few days ago, but I don't have anything more recent.  Joshua was in the middle of eating, but I took it anyway.

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