Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Tuesday: Isaac

 A few days ago Isaac told us he can't wait for Thanksgiving to be over because then he can be done writing about what he's thankful for.  Apparently he's had to do it several times over the last few days in different settings and is over it.

I taught about dates in excel today.  They're a weird subject because they're both simple and hard at the same time.  (Even Isaac, who has had a total of one excel assignment, has run into the problem of Excel turning his fraction into a date.)  Anyway, I was afraid the class was going to run short but the timing ended up just about perfect.  Starting Thursday we (finally) get back into material that has been prepped in previous semesters, and I'm excited to not have quite as much prep work.

Isaac had a really good time at rock climbing today.  A route that he finished last week was graded at V2, which is on the high side for him.  (Some he can do, some he can't.)  He finished another route that he's been working on for a while.

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