Sunday, July 8, 2012

Saturday night: sick

Last night I was sick.  I took a shower after putting Isaac down, then came downstairs and told Ben I wasn't feeling great.  Half hour later I went to bed...I'm pretty sure I had a full blown fever but I didn't get up to check because I also had a headache that prevented movement.

Side note: I had a dream about the headache.  I was in a culture where there is a momentous day in every woman's life where she goes through a dream type thing that everyone has.  Usually the dream just is one copper ball being moved into place in a maze.  I had a copper ball and a platinum ball, which meant I was super special, but no one seemed to care.  It was also giving me these terrible headaches but I didn't think the doctors would know that the platinum ball was the cause.

Ben got me some Tyenol and the fever broke between 1am and 3am, but my side of the bed was soaked.  (I had just put new sheets on too!)

I'm feeling mostly better.  We'll see how the day goes. I'm very scared of being sick with a baby.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. : )

Annette B.

Amy Worrel said...

Hope the day went alright and that you are continuing to feel better. Babies are very forgiving, and he will adjust to how you are feeling.