Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wednesday: pears

Today Isaac got pears for the first time.  I figured they'd be easy enough to make myself, so I thought I'd do so and see if it was more economical than buying baby food pears.

I decided that I needed about 6 ice cubes worth of pears to make them come out evenly.  Two trays of ice cubes (about 24 ice cubes) later, I decided two things: 1) I put in too much water but 2) even with less water it would have still been worth the money.

Sure, it's a little bit more of a hassle, but pears were pretty easy.  Once they're ripe enough they get soft and very easy to cut and peel.  I'm planning on doing apples too, because I know they will be easy.  I might try green beans, but am not sure I'll be able to puree those smooth enough. We'll see how ambitious I feel.

We went out to eat with Dad and Pat tonight.  Pat came over a little early and helped with Isaac and it was awesome.  The kitchen was a mess and I really needed about 30 minutes and both hands to get it all finished.    I usually don't mind a messy kitchen (although I much prefer a clean one) but for some reason it was getting on my nerves.  Since I was able to get it clean, I'm hoping to do some non-repeating chores tomorrow.  Maybe empty some boxes.  At the rate we're going, I'll be finished in about two years and that isn't really acceptable.  Wish me luck.


Amy Worrel said...

Did you cook the pears a little bit? It's my understanding that raw pears aren't great for babies, but I'm not positive. Here's a book I recommend: I didn't buy a single jar of baby food, making it was really easy and I enjoyed it.

Jess said...

Yes you should cook your pears before the baby is 9 months after that you can puree raw pears or even just chopped up bite pieces depending on how well they handle finger foods. I find green beans hard to do myself because they are stringy. Super easy are sweet potatoes or squash. Sometimes I mix a stringy veggie with a smooth one to get the food consistency right light peas/apples or green beans/sweet pot. Good luck with those boxes! :)