Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wednesday: VBS day 2

Today went better than yesterday.  Maybe because I knew the kids and they knew least enough for a few conversations and as a person that could help.  Maybe because I knew the schedule and was able to take a break with Isaac.

We increased the count to 613 today.  It also rained.  While we really, really need the rain, it does make things a bit more difficult.  Some kids still played in the rain.  The smallest kids stayed inside and took over a hallway.  (There are a lot of inside activities, but space is still at a premium.)

I was almost in two pictures, but didn't actually make either.  Oh well.

I also have some of the songs stuck in my head.  There are about five that they sing.  They sing them at least once during the opening gathering.  Then they sing many of them again at the closing gathering.  By the end of today it was getting difficult to be as excited about singing the same song again.  Oh well.  The motions help keep things interesting.

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