Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday: two under one

Today I babysat Samuel.  He's one month older than Isaac.  They interacted a little bit, but were mostly in their own worlds playing with the toys.  Isaac went down for a nap about 45 minutes later.  Both of them together wasn't too bad, but I only felt comfortable with them secured in Isaac's room.  Since Isaac was asleep I felt comfortable bringing Samuel outside...and he loved it.

Look at how fast I can move the toys!

I also found it interesting how a day can fly by when it is just Isaac and me, but it didn't fly by when it was just Samuel and me.  Don't get me wrong...we had a good time together and it was fun to see how he is different and the same as Isaac.  It is more of just an interesting observation.  It would seem that since they are so close in age that the passage of time should be similar.

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