Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tuesday: polls

Once again, I find myself in the minority on one of my polls.  Most people (78%) cut their meat parallel to the fork tines.  I tried looking on-line to see if there is a "correct" way of doing it and couldn't find any info; everything talked about in which hand you're supposed to hold the knife and fork.

Since I like polls, I thought I'd start another one.  Do you sleep with your hands above your head?  It doesn't have to be all the time.  I find that I often sleep that way when I'm on my back.  Isaac often does it.


Anonymous said...

I sleep on my side with hands above my head.


I cut my steak with a steak knife next to the fork, not though the fork.

betsy said...

I do not sleep with my hands above my head, but Ethan does... sadly I cannot vote twice on the poll :)