Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wednesday: critters

Today we went to the Critter Barn again, but this time with Betsy and Ethan.

It was busier than last time, but it was still a lot of fun to see all the animals.  A lot of them had changed locations, which I found interesting.
I love this picture.
However, the boys seemed to love the non-critter things the best.  Ethan loved the water hose, Isaac loved all the rocks and the steps to no-where.
Most of the time they looked happier.
Isaac also came to show me his monkeys this afternoon.

I caught one as he was zipping away.  I know it's blurry, but I feel like that adds a lot to how Isaac is lately.  He rarely stops moving.

And finally, his first self-portrait.  Hopefully subsequent ones will be better.  And hopefully he'll be properly dressed in the future too.


Anonymous said...

Judging by the facial expressions, the steps to nowhere appear to be the time out steps. Still, even when they're not smiling, Isaac and Ethan are awfully cute.

Annette B.

Amy Worrel said...

The photo you said you love is a great one!!