Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday: It's Monday

Nothing all that exciting happened today.  While I enjoyed VBS, it was also nice to have my morning back; I felt like I got quite a bit more accomplished today than I did last week.  It may have helped that Isaac played really well by himself today too.

I guess the "funny" thing of the day was when Isaac had a melt down over the fact that I wouldn't give him a third graham cracker for his snack.  He never gets three.  On top of that, it was only about 30 minutes until dinner was ready.  (I was a softie and let him have a snack anyway.)  But I guess that is a more advanced concept.  The boy does love his grahams.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Hmmm this could be why Ethan is jumping up the weight curve at every checkup. I never tell him no if he asks for more food (as long as it's not candy). Now you are making me think I need to read up more on kids nutrition so I can be a better mom! :)