Saturday, July 20, 2013

Saturday: bubbles

Isaac and I were walking into the house today after doing some errands and he kept saying something and pointing.  After he said it a few times I realized that he was pointing to the bubbles.  Now, all in all this wouldn't be noteworthy but for two things...

1) We haven't worked on the word bubble.  It's been around and he's played with bubbles, but it's probably been at least two weeks since bubbles have been out.
2) The bubbles aren't in a normal bubble container.  I just made some with dish soap after I realized my actual bubbles weren't bubbling, so they're in a Tupperware container.  We probably haven't gotten these bubbles out for a month.

So, hooray for Isaac!  He had to put a lot of things together in order to communicate with me.  So we got the bubbles out for a few minutes.

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