Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wednesday: 19 months

Isaac is 19 months today!

He also got a haircut.  It's a little sad, but he really needed one.

He's doing great with sleep and the average time he's waking up seems to be pushing a little bit later.  He also wakes up happy, so I have a little bit of time between when he wakes up and actually getting him out of the crib.

Isaac really enjoys his B words, including ball, blueberry, bubble, elBow, baby, and burp.  He will also say/sign thank you now when prompted, and we're not sure where he learned that because we didn't teach it to him.

I'm not sure what else is new this month...I think he might have some more teeth.  He sometimes asks where Dad is in the middle of the day.  He's gotten really good at puzzles and duplos.

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