Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday: today

I didn't get my nap today.  Someone stayed awake for the whole hour that I do give myself.  I got up to get him up at the end of the hour and he was by his door...I think I almost hit him.  But he was so excited and told me in his high squeaky voice that the sun was up so it was wake up time!   So much excitement.  It was almost worth missing my nap...but not quite.

I had my OB appointment today.  The baby has dropped (I was measuring 3cm less this week than last week), am 80% effaced and dilated to 2.  She told me I should schedule next week's appointment, but she wasn't really sure that I'd make it that long.  I'm trying hard not to get my hopes up too much.  I'm not sure it's working, but I'll survive if it does take a little longer.

A friend volunteered to watch Isaac while we went on a date tonight, so we took her up on that!!  We weren't out very long, but long enough that I didn't have to put Isaac to bed.  Bedtime is one of the worst times...I'm ready for him to be in bed and he stalls just a little more than normal and between the two it is annoying.  And we got to have fun by ourselves.  Although Isaac apparently got out of bed a few's the first time he's done so at night.  I'm hoping it isn't a trend and that he was just rather tired.

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