Saturday, July 5, 2014

Saturday: nursery and pool

This morning we made some good progress on the baby's room; it is finally starting to look like a room and not just a place to dump stuff.  Isaac and I finished up the crib while Ben was sleeping, and then while I was getting my hair cut they got some shelves put together.

I got home and Isaac showed me the location of every screw. :)

I also chopped off my hair.  Here's the before picture; you'll have to look at the swimming picture for an ok after picture.  It's a bit above shoulder length, which is rather nice.

Then we went to Jamie's pool for the was a lot of fun.
 Isaac also really enjoyed being lowered from the diving board, sort of like one of the boys.  However, he wasn't willing to swim all by himself yet.  One more thing to work on. :D

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