Monday, July 28, 2014


Well, this delivery is a bit of a saga...

12pm: VBS finishes
1:20: Isaac is picked up by Dad to spend the weekend up north.
1:35: I start having contractions. What great timing!
10:30: we go to the hospital because contractions are frequent, but neither of us think we'll be staying. I don't think they're painful enough and we both think I'm too happy.

1:30am: We leave the hospital. I'm having contractions, but they were farther apart than I thought. We might have been able to stay, but that idea was unattractive. The nurse thinks we'll be back later that day.
7:30: I wake up after having an excellent sleep; contractions start.
7:30pm: after continuing all day, contractions finally get close enough that we could go in again. Ben takes a shower first.
7:45: contractions stall out.
8:30: contractions completely go away. I guess it's nice that we're not at the hospital and I don't have to be embarrassed, but seriously?? They were happening all day.

6:00pm: contractions finally start again. It was a nice painless day...and it was nice not having to watch the clock. My contractions tend to not follow a nice pattern with respect to timing, and it always makes me frustrated.
8:30: I go for a walk around the lake after drinking some water. That was a mistake. Water has been going through me in about five minutes this whole weekend. Contractions are coming fast.
9:00: I sit down and contractions pretty much stop. I had actually been wondering if these were Braxton-Hicks as they were acting a bit differently.

12:45am: I wake up with a contraction and the need to go to the bathroom. Which one woke me up?
1:30: the contraction. I get out of bed to try and not distub Ben so he can get some sleep. I do disturb Flurry.

4:45: I wake up Ben...we're going to the hospital! I expect to stay.
4:50: on our way to the hospital I only have one contraction...oh no, they're going to send me home. How embarrassing.
5:30: we get to stay! The contractions picked up enough to fool the nurses and I'm dilated to a stretchy four. We settle in.
7:00 shift change - we now have the nurse that helped deliver Isaac. I'm dilated to a five and the doctor breaks my water.
9:30: I'm dilated to a six and the contractions are slow (5-7 minutes apart) and painful. But phew, since my water was broken they can't send me home. It is one of my larger fears for some reason.
10:00: we decide to go forward with an epidural and petocin
11:00: I'm really starting to hurt and have been wondering where that epidural is. It finally show up, along with a friendly doctor.
11:15: ahh. We also have a nurse change and she start the petocin on the lowest setting. I'm dilated to a six.
11:30: I'm really glad that I have an epidural; some contractions are still mildly painful.
12:15: an alarm goes off on the petocin dispenser and a nurse comes in.
12:30: the baby's heartbeat goes out of the safe zone. The nurse tries a few things and then has me lie on my side. That helps, but she also checks on the baby's is on his way! I'm fully dilated and at station +2 (I.e., the baby has started moving down the birth canal.
12:40: Ben goes to quickly grab some lunch while the doctor is called.
12:45: the doctor shows up faster than expected and gets everything ready.
12:48: Ben returns with lunch, surprised to see everything ready to go
12:53: I push through the last part of a contraction
12:58: I push through the first part of a second contraction...yeah, they're still rather far apart
1:02: I stop pushing so the doctor can cut the umbilical cord around baby's neck.
1:05: Joshua Alan is born!

Due to the speed and the umbilical cord, his breathing was a bit raspy...the fluid wasn't all out of his lungs. Nothing to be worried about, but the nurse monitored it and said that only Ben and I should hold him to keep the stress down. So we limited our visitors for the day, although an hour later he was doing fine. So we just had a nice, low-key evening.


Anonymous said...

Adorable. I never seem to remember how small they are when they're first born.


Zachary and Jennifer said...

Welcome Joshua! Congratulations to you and Ben!

Amy Worrel said...

Congrats! Awesome job! And he is so precious!

betsy said...

I'm dying to see pictures of Isaac and Joshua together! :-)