Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Tuesday: one of those posts

The day started by going to the new(ish) playground where Aunt CC works.  She was able to come say hi and the kids loved it.  Joshua was almost too small for it, but I told Isaac that if he (Isaac) wanted to stay around longer he'd have to help Joshua a bit.  Joshua usually follows Isaac around and Isaac is fine with it, so I think this wasn't too hard of a request.  I finished a bunch of grading!

Isaac is working on a magic box.  There are no instructions, but it has constistently needed a box, a nail, and a pretzel.  I was hoping he'd forget about it, but it came out again today.  After getting it to fit, he decided it needed to be painted.

I gave Joshua a box to paint too.

I used the left over paint.

And then we received terrible news.

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