Monday, July 31, 2017

Vacation Day 8: packing up and leaving

While people were packing up the kids went wild.  It was really rather normal for the trip.

Ben played a zapping game with one of the girls; she loved it.

There were a few naps.

Isaac got a present of Outfoxed, the game he had played so much during the week.

We did some rocket balloons.  Basically, you blow up a balloon with a pump and then let it go.  It zooms all over and the kids chase it.  Wonderful and easy entertainment, although the balloons did like to pop on the grass.

We took a quick stop at a playgroup before the last family left to get some energy out and have a quiet house.

We had dinner and then said good bye to the last family.  It was a wonderful vacation, and I was rather sad about going back to our normal routine.

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