Thursday, August 16, 2018

actually Thursday: this and that

We started out with a short walk with our neighbor and then playing with their kitchen.  My boys sure do love feeding me, but they don't like eating their own cooking very much.  During this time Holland Rescue Mission also came to pick up a bunch of toys.  I got rid of several large toddler toys.  The toys were loved, but haven't been played with a significant amount lately, so they can be passed on to someone who will love them better.

After that, we worked on taking the paint of Joshua's loft for a bit.  I finally found tools that seem to work well, so the boys are more willing to is rather addicting to get the paint off when it actually comes off.  Then we still had some time, after playing Uno and Sleeping Queens, so I decided it was time for our yearly "clean under the fridge."  First of all, there was so much less this year...a comb, a receipt, and a magnet.  The boys are getting older.  Secondly, after I pulled out the fridge they pretty much took over.  I finished a small part at the end, but they did most of it.  I guess behind-the-refrigerator is a cool place to be.

Joshua still loves playing with Voltron.  During rest time I heard him say, "dear lion, please help us find a trick to poop on the bad lion's head."  I can't remember what the context was, but it was still hilarious.

I gave blood today.  The needle poke hurt more than usual, but it also seemed to go faster than usual.  I was in and out in about thirty-five minutes.

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