Monday, January 10, 2022

Monday: not a snow day

While snow days are fun, I also felt like I wasn't getting much done.  So...I was glad for school today.  I managed to get everything on my "do today" list done along with a few extras!  I did take an extra stop at Eagle Crest because Joshua called saying his tooth hurt.  He didn't sound all that out of it, but I said I'd stop by with some ibuprofen and he could stay in school.  He seemed ok with this plan and I didn't hear anything about a toothache later in the day.

I made a new orange chicken recipe today.  (Everyone loved it except Joshua and he doesn't like anything I make.)  It involved squeezing some oranges, which Isaac was excited to do.  He then proceeded to do more fruit squeezing and juice experimenting.  (I had gotten some oranges at the store and they had way too many seeds in them, so he was free to use those.  We also had a few lemons and some old apples.)  He made several different version of his juice, trying to find the proportions that are just right.

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