Saturday, January 1, 2022

Thursday-Saturday: Christmas

We had our last Christmas celebration of the year as Nathan and his family joined us for a few days.  Thursday was also Isaac's 10th birthday!  10!  How can he be so old?

We were going to go out for dessert but neglected to remember that it was a holiday weekend.  Pat found out they were booked before we went though.  I had started some mint brownies, so I finished those up and we used them instead.  We put candles on, but didn't actually have Isaac blow them out.

Everyone slept in the same room.  There was so much running and excitement through the whole day it took them a bit to wind down, but eventually they did.  (So much running.  But throughout the entire weekend only one set of tears which was resolved quickly.)

Friday morning we went to the woodshop to make a triangle peg jumping game.  It really didn't take all that long, but it was a lovely activity and way to get out of the house.  The kids also loved running up and down the hallway at Hope, so whenever they were waiting for their turn they did some running.  The game was also played with a bit more than I expected.

After a coffee break for the women, we went to get Isaac's dessert for lunch.

After that it was time for more presents!  The kids were playing well so we just kept pushing the time back a little bit.  But finally everyone was done with a small real lunch and the kids realized it was time for presents.

The boys got a cat backpack.  Tornado likes to escape outside, so we thought this might be a fun alternative.  Now we're trying to train him that when he goes in it he goes for a walk.

After some delicious pizza some of the kids painted their triangles.

Today, after some morning TV and some Catan they left. :(  It was sad, but we had a wonderful time!  The kids played so well together and it was wonderful to talk to everyone and get caught up again.

We spent the rest of the day enjoying Christmas presents and relaxing.  Tornado enjoyed several walks might be a good way to get us out of the house just a tad bit more.  Silly, but fun.

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