Thursday, January 20, 2022

Thursday: positive

Well, Isaac tested positive for COVID.  There is so much going around right now that I kind of expected this would happen at some point.  Guess it's a good thing that we kept him home.

We got the results at 11:45pm last night.  I really wasn't expecting a positive result, but between school and karate it also isn't surprising, even if he does wear a mask.  I didn't sleep well the rest of the night.  Partly thinking about what needed to happen today, partly because I was cold.  My foot warmer cooled off while I was taking a rapid test for myself.  I considered getting up to get something warm, but of course that would have made me colder in the short term so my sleepy brain decided not to.

Today went fine.  We're making Isaac wear a mask at home and trying to stay away from him, but we also haven't banished him to his bedroom.  (In some ways we figure it's probably too late since we were around him for three days since onset of symptoms.)  He was a bit sad by the end of the day, but he understands what's going on and complies.

Joshua was so sad this morning.  Mainly because he thinks that Isaac gets to play all day.  While this is a mostly untrue, Isaac does get some more play time.  We've also moved Joshua's bed out of Isaac's room.  I really wasn't sure how this was going to go, since Joshua seems to hate sleeping in his own bedroom and I didn't want him sleeping in our bedroom either.  After school he said he'd sleep under the table.  Well, his mattress doesn't fit under the table, but we rigged up some sort of fort for him that was sufficient.  I don't really understand what's going on, but it's not a battle that I care enough about to fight either.

Isaac gets to go back to school next Thursday and has to continue masking for another five days.  Perhaps we'll let him take a two month break from masks after that?  The school called to give me these dates and I was able to proudly say that Joshua is fully vaccinated and that's why we kept sending him to school.

edit: for reference later, this is probably the Omicron variant.  That is what is currently the most predominant in the area and has the highest probability of infection if vaccinated.


Cheryl Hilldore said...

Oh WOW! Hopefully he will be better soon and praying the rest of you don't get it!

betsy said...

Oh shoot. It is everywhere right now. So sorry. Hope he recovers quickly and the rest of you stay healthy!