Friday, April 28, 2023

Friday: window and belt testing #2

Today I spent quite a bit of time on the kitchen.  Unfortunately, I mostly only finished the windows.  The window screen is inside instead of outside and so the screen just gets dirty and not cleaned by the rain.  I cleaned the windows too, but there are still a few streaks.  I also cleaned the windowsill really well and I'm so happy looking out the window now.

I also had black belt test #2.  It was a different crash and burn than the last test.  Basic actions went well, combos went fine.  Forms went ok as a whole.  I had a few issues, but did ok overall.  Then we moved on to self-defense.  I've been making the kids help me practice the self-defense as part of their chores.  So I knew what I was doing.  Apparently there were only about three-ish (out of twenty) people that knew the self-defense and it was so bad that they stopped half way through.  They started by just giving us the name of what we were supposed to be doing.  Then they added on the short description of what we should be doing.  Then they stopped us because it was so bad.  Apparently I'll get to finish up my defense at some point and everyone else will need to finish up next week.  (The official plan was a little confusing.) means I need to remember my stuff for a little bit longer.  I was able to give them my mile time from yesterday, so I was excited about that.  We finished up with some sparring, and I enjoyed it this time.  I often don't enjoy sparring, but this time was fun.  We got out about 20 minutes later than expected, but that is about what I was expecting.  I did get a special thank you from one of the instructors for knowing my stuff and that was appreciated...and then I knew that I at least did well enough.

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